Why I Love Music

Jul 19, 2016

By Faye

Here’s a fact: Music is one great blessing to us.

It is a medium of communication. It touches the heart while relaying to the receiver’s brain its message. It’s a combination of vocal and instrumental sounds that expresses emotions. It helps the sender deliver his message in an artistic way.

It also has a number of health benefits. Listening to your favorite tune relaxes your mind after a tiring day. It calms your senses. It improves your mood. It is also shown in studies that people who listen to music regularly are smarter, more disciplined and optimistic about life.

So what are you waiting for? Turn on the radio. Savor every note and dance to the tune of your heart.❤️

(P.S. Here’s a lesser known fact: I used to sing in a band, a rock band particularly. That’s why I myself can attest how great music can be!)

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